Welcome to the new year! It is going to be a year of significant changes for me. Graduating from college and trying to find a job, applying for grad school, planning a wedding, moving out and moving in, finding time for creative endeavors and physical ones too. I've made a list of sorts; a list of goals- not resolutions- but goals. I haven't made resolutions in years, I consider those something that are made to be broken since they are never considered in exactly a positive light. For immediate goals in terms of wedding planning are finding a venue and setting a date. Also I want to sit down with F and prioritize where finances need to be spent.
Speaking of F, I need a little vent session. One of my biggest pet peeves since becoming engaged is having people 'remind' me to call F "fiance". F and I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary this month (!!!) and for the majority of this relationship my main nickname for him has been "boyfriend" or I shorten it to "BF", and in turn he calls me "girlfriend". So as you can imagine, it gets a little tiring when I refer to something "my boyfriend did" and people laughingly say "not boyfriend" or "you mean, fiance?". Technically, I guess yes I do mean that, but I assume if you are a friend or family member, you are aware of this nickname I have for him. And when I say I don't really like the label "fiance" I get bizarre looks. That term is just not us. Irritation ensues.
In other news, I have found a new beautiful, if not dangerous, website. Beautiful because of the amazing vintage creations, dangerous because of the price tags. Trashy Diva creations.
Love the print on this one!
I love this coloring on this one, and it is on sale!
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