Anywho, to continue with the theme of centerpieces, here are some non-floral centerpieces (they may include live things, but I avoided ones that are blatantly flowers...)
I LOVE the color of this one! This would be easy, cheap, and quite summery.

Snippet and Ink
I don't necessarily like the lamp or the fake looking leaves around it, but I think the idea of having a vintage piece at the center of the table is a really neat idea. And it would be easy I think.

This couple named all the tables after favorite authors and used quotes from their books. As an English Lit major, this appeals to me big time.

I actually like this better, using books and wrapping with a colorful ribbon. This couple used books from their own personal library, so there was almost no cost!

This bride made these using wood from her own backyard and made paper flowers to go with. Rustic, yet charming.

Lots of green plants in cool vintage holders. I am especially love those Hen and Chick plants. Could you have an entire planter full of them?

Grass as a centerpiece. Beautiful color, easy to grow yourself. Easy peasy.

Love love love fruit as a centerpiece! Fruit is so beautiful and rich in color, and can be quite inexpensive! Plus, then you can give it away or use it and it's not going quite as much to waste.

F actually really loved this idea, he loved the idea of planting and growing your own herbs. I think I would rather mix herbs in the buckets, just to give it more texture.

To take it one step furhter, you can have a completely non-floral bouquet by ordering with Meghan who I found on Weddingbee Pro. I actually really love the look of the felt and the buttons (I just really love buttons), but I think I like the bouts better than the bouquets. Interesting though!

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