Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Anniversary pictures!!

Alright, so I said my outfit choices where between two dresses... SYKE! (does anyone say that anymore?) My final outfit was one I threw on right before leaving. Black tee and jeans. I didn't feel like I would have been as comfortable in a dress, and I really wanted F to wear his argyle sweater.

We ended up with five different poses. We were really happy with the five we choice, and I'm excited to give them to parents, grandparents etc. And I did something that's probably illegal, and scanned them so I can print out more copies if I want to.

Without further ado...

Check out that argyle!

Different side and background

Ok, so I didn't realize 3 of the 5 poses were over the shoulder poses

I got this one in a 8 by 10 for me... I really like this one

And the crowning glory. I got this one in a 8 by 10 for Evan because we both died laughing after seeing this one. This symbolizes our relationship, me punching and him laughing. It's love...

What do you guys think???

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