Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Everyday we'll be happy I know

I was at Winco (local cheap supermarket) grocery shopping when I saw their selection of canning goods. My mom has canned produce for as long as I can remember, so the idea of having mason jars in the house, and using them for vases is common for me. It wasn't until I was at Winco and saw them there (12 for $10) that I realized why should I spend tons of money on vases when there is such an understated, simple, cheap alternative?

And so cute!







These also served as table names, being named after different things their grandmothers canned.

So, with all those different uses of mason jars, I went to Ebay to see what I could find. And what did I find? The jackpot. 3 boxes of mason jars with 12 jars each, sitting at 0.99 each, plus shipping of course. But, 0.99??


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